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Alliance is a new service that is designed to save you time and enable you to generate additional income. Alliance works by combining the purchasing power of our member agents throughout the UK, enabling us to negotiate exclusive deals with some of the market leading suppliers of products and services to the lettings industry.

Initially, we will launch Alliance with a small number of suppliers, with a view to evaluating how both the supplier and Alliance performs. We will then introduce new suppliers on an on-going basis. Over the next few months, we will be launching a number of innovative products and services.

Whilst we recognise that price is important, we also believe that, combined with outstanding customer service, the products and services available from Alliance will be compelling. Membership to Alliance is completely free-of-charge and you need only pay for the products and services that you use. There is no setup fee, no monthly fees, just pay-as-you-go.

In order to become an Alliance Member, simply complete the Contact Us form. New members will benefit from an automated billing system, designed to provide detailed analysis of the products and services you have purchased and used throughout the month and the amount of savings you have made, month-to-date and year-to-date.